This is me helping the men do something this christmas that will bring a large grin to the faces of their women and most likely score them some points.YES!! My sole intention is to make things easier for the men.We are just a few weeks left to christmas.Women love special holidays because its usually a time when they receive gifts from their men.Yes, women love being spoilt,they are built that way,we may be craving somethings but wouldn't want to say it out so we don't come off as being too greedy or  too demanding.Most times we are considerate and wouldn't want to ask too much of what they may or may not afford.I hope i am speaking for a majority of the woman ( I am sure i am.)

So Men,this is only a working idea, we have realised that our men are sometimes too forgetful and may come off as though they are not caring enough,even though we understand that you are always occupied with Work and other responsibilities to remember that your woman may be expecting something nice this christmas.Every woman would prefer her man to take the initiative and remember important dates and important occasions,we love surprises,we love to show off stuff our men buy for us.
Therefore our dear Men,if you haven't already set some money aside for your woman's christmas gift,then this is the time to do so,and since you still have a few weeks to go,you can start to do so now…

And ladies,if there is anything i left off in the list,pls drop a line and remind me and i will promptly update the list :

1) Iphone 6.( That is if she doesn't have it already )

2) A nice Handbag.

3) Nice shoes ( christian louboutin would do )

4) Ipad air

4) A romantic dinner (chiristmas Eve)

5) christmas Hold money.(.LOL)

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