YES! have you ever thought about this?That the towels in your house could be the cause of your many illnesses?As unbelievable as it may sound,Its true…
The main problem is that towels retain moisture,thereby allowing bacteria to breed.And think about it,towels are used in the most bacteria ridden areas of the house..The toilets and the kitchen.Researchers analysed tea towels for bacterias that cause food poisoning,and sickness causing bacteria were detected in 90% of towels and E-coli in 26%,and hygiene experts have warned that these bacterias can be transferred from bathroom towels.aLSo its confirmed that diseases like athletes foot can be passed on from one family member to another.
A recent study from the university of Arizona found Coliform Bacteria ( A bacteria present in feaces ) which can lead to outbreaks of food poisoning and diarrhoea-in 89% of kitchen tea towels and E-coli in 25.6% of towels.Because Towels are used to wipe the hands and other surfaces,it is likely to be bacteria ridden.Washing towels in water or washing machine alone is not enough,researchers have found that bacterias can survive washing and drying with just detergents.They advise that soaking towels in bleach for about 2 minutes was more effective than washing in ordinary water and detergents
The best way to avoid this is to keep and wash different towels for different purposes separate.dry them on the rail so they don't fester while they wait to be washed.Then remember to wash them in high temperature of 90'c.If you must wash in cold or warm water,then you must use a laundry cleanser that can kill bacteria.Use bleach for white towels.


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