Nigeria has finally joined in the black friday frenzy.I say finally because until a few years ago,Unless you were abroad,you didn't have any business with black friday.But a few days before this black friday,all i heard was BLACK FRIDAY!!, BLACK FRIDAY!!,BLACK FRIDAY!!And it made me wonder,are we finally turning oyibo in this neck of the woods.?I even saw a few Happy Thanksgiving on a few Dp's.S.M.H…How quick we are to discard of all our uniqueness,the things that made us different.Since the inception of social media and blackberry messenger,i have never seen anybody i know or have on my bb.contacts celebrating any native celebrations from their village or tribe.

Anyways,early this morning i stood and watched as Americans and Europeans and other parts of the world scrambled for items in the shops,hitting,pushing and even fighting for items in different shops.Some even went as far as sleeping outside the shops so they could be amongst the first to get in and get the best goods on display,and i asked myself, Do these people really need these goods they are scrambling for, or are they just shopping for shopping sake.I could see most shoppers clutching big television cartons,and it made me wonder,didn't they have televisions in their homes already?I was reminded of times in the past when i used to buy stuff i didn't need just because it was reduced or on sale.I was forced to quit that habit when my house started getting over-flodded with items i didn't need and didn't use.So when i look at these shoppers i wondered if they really need all the things they were scrambling for especially as a large number of the people in those shops would be paying by credit cards.Monies that they didn't have.What bargain is worth paying for with money you couldn't afford to spend,putting themselves into debt they couldn't afford to pay.
Black friday has become a religion,that whenever it comes,some must worship it,whether they need to or not.
And as Nigerians have joined the frenzy,it makes me scared because whatever Nigerians do they do hard.So tell us,did you buy anything this black friday,was it something you needed or wanted??


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