Popular British design house Mulberry has unveiled its set of cheaper handbags.They are hoping this collection ( esp.the blossom range in standout colors ) will appeal to the younger customers hence the cheaper prices. The brand who has had a few not so successful years in sales are hoping that these new collection would set them back at the top.The brand at its best of times enjoyed a share price of 2.500p but as at last month their share price has come down to 700p .Creative director Emma Hill who was credited for what Mulberry was ,announced her departure back in June 2013 and French CEO Bruno Guillon left in march 2014 but even in all these the brand has refused to admit defeat and are said to be pulling out all the necessarily stops in making a comeback
News has it that the brand has planed a tongue in check Christmas campaign-with gifts starting from a purse friendly 80 pounds sterling. Inclusive are phone covers,tasseled key rings wallets and totes all starting from 80-495.A far cry from the 2500 pounds cara Delavigne back they unveiled earlier this year.

Mulberry wallets and keychains.

Alexa Chung in Mulberry satchel 

Cara delavigne in Mulberry
The Mulberry Blossom bags.


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