There are times when we just need to relax and admire the handiwork of God through man,even if it may not look attainable to you at the time,it still shouldn't stop you from accepting some "Oh how i wish!"  moments"…
why am i loving it,it looks different,The colour if nothing else,i love the bronze colour,we are used to seeing gray( silver ) , white or other nude colour yatchs.This one beats the lot.
This here is by Italian designer Frederico Florentino,who hopes that this beauty would very soon belong to a billionaire.The luxury yatch which he named BELAFONTE comes with a massive bow and  a very striking bronze exterior that catches the suns reflexion off the sea.
It glides at 164ft length,with 5 luxurious cabins and room enough for 10 overnight guests.Guests will be pampered by the ships crew as they relax in the saloon,outdoor dinning area,poolside or the sky lounge.
Don't want to over bore you with too much info,all i need you to do is just to enjoy the pictures and be hopeful,its possible….yes it is…

 Picture credits =Frederico Florentino

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