Beautiful dark skin.
Beautiful dark skin

This is just me…..Ranting? No..concerned? Yes.. Black skin is slowly but surely going extinct.Every where you look,everyone is now light skinned.Its been a very slow process but for a while now the people i used to know as dark skinned are now light skinned.And No it hasn't been an immediate thing, but such a slow process that you even begin to wonder if you are sure that person was once dark skinned?because you see them all the time,you can't really tell when they started or if there is any difference in their skin tone.. For instance,a short while ago,i was having a healthy argument on the same topic with a cousin of mine, about one of her friends,who is a lagos socialite, and whom i have kinda followed in the papers from when she was younger,and i am very sure she used to be dark skinned,but lately was looking quite milk -chocolatey kinda light skin.I believe because she and my cousin are friends and its been a very slow process,she may not have noticed it.My cousin  says she hasn't Toned or anything but that it could be the flash of the camera making her look light skinned.I laughed.Yes i laughed because i was very sure of what i was staying to her. Anyways,we left it at that…But just a few days ago i saw a picture of the same girl online..Haha.her complexion was nice and smooth..but from her ankle down to her toes were kinda dark.I hear those areas are hard to tone, so anybody who sees that picture will agree that indeed she used to be dark..
Now peeps don't get me wrong,I am not judging anybody,people have the right to do whatever they want with their skin,My only concern is kai! when the burns start to come,it must be quite frustrating.Because our weather makes it compulsory that once you bleach or are bleaching,you must get a burn.Now unless you are the type that doesn't leave the house at all,or even if you did,it would be from house to an air-conditioned car then to an air-conditioned place,back to the air-conditioned car and back to the house.Then you may not be able to escape the burn.As for me ooo,Light skin is beautiful no doubt but when i see people who have burns and are trying to cover it up,I get more  convinced that bleaching is a no go area for me.I am not very dark but i think i am content in my skin and i think all dark people should be proud of their skin.
I have heard that most Men prefer light skinned girls..I don't believe that.I know and have met a lot of men who would never date a light skinned girl ( bleached or not ).Now a lot of men i know also complain that bleached people smell a certain way (don't mean to be rude ).There fore,if you are a girl and are worried about lightening your skin because you want to attract a man,please rest assured that you don't have to.There are many men who would love and appreciate you the way you  are. I advise you to never ever be convinced or coerced or influenced to bleach your skin or tone for that matter..It always starts with a little toning. Please do not start,because once you do,you cannot reverse bleached skin.And before you know it, the skin is damaged, Then beauticians will start to offer you all sorts of repair creams and lotions and out of frustration you will buy and the more you buy,the deeper and deeper you get into the mix,and the more you can't repair the skin,Frustration and depression sets in because you won't like the way you are anymore and would be feeling uncomfortable going without makeup.feeling the need to constantly cover up the burn.
Be the kind of girl that can wake up,wash your face,brush your teeth,snap on your jeans and tee and quickly rush somewhere without thinking of applying any make-up.
And if a man gives you the condition to lighten your skin before he can take you seriously,tell him to show you how it will look by trying it out first..LOL.
Black is beautiful..very beautiful..Nubian skin..Black coffee..You don't have to bother with sun burn.I know some women who would NEVER go out in the sun even if they were dying.No matter how important some journey is,if it entailed going out in the sun then count them out.Then they are constantly looking and discovering the latest whitening cream in town ( and there are so many ).
It is not worth it…love the skin you are in..Its more beautiful,cheaper to maintain,less stressful…etc….

visibly Different.

The men aren't left out too.Below are pictures of some men who dared to and are proud of it…...
Visibly Different.

Visibly Different.

Visibly Different.

1 comment:

  1. I am with you on this oo.I am dark and lovely..LOL


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