Mmmmm….Truth be told , This is the most humbling answers i have received after an opinion poll.This just confirms what i used to know but had forgotten over time.MEN ARE QUITE SIMPLE BEINGS.Yes they are!!.I asked quite a couple of men and surprisingly all their answers rang the same.Most of them wanted little or no material gifts from their women this christmas,in fact the few that named any material things were mostly the single guys. Almost all the married men wanted immaterial things.Things that seemed so simple and very attainable from the women,things that we women wouldn't need to over-stress ourselves to do or get,Things that should come natural to  women already. Women are built very very differently but i guess that s what makes a great union. ( one that doesn't want so much and one that wants the world) LOL..
Anyways below are a summary of the answers i received from the men i polled.

1) A HAPPY HOME :This was the first thing most men i surveyed wanted,A HAPPY HOME.I guess after the stress of work,men need to come back to happy smiling faces.

2) A CLEAN HOME: This also was mostly the second highest answer i got from most men i surveyed.They said they would love to spend this christmas holiday in a clean environment.They also said they understand how hard the women work to keep the home clean despite how stressful juggling children and a clean house can be,But that they hate to come home to a dirty environment.

3) A CONSTANT SUPPLY OF THEIR FAVORITE MEAL.: This made me laugh so hard.I saw it  coming.They say one of the shortest ways to a mans heart is through his stomach.So the men said that for this christmas period,they would appreciate a constant supply of delicious food.They also attested that they are ready to provide everything the woman would need to make that happen ( ohhhh how sweet)

4) PEACE: They are begging for some peace and quiet during this holiday season.mostly some quite time to watch their favourite sports.Anyways,I am not surprised,Men never play with their sports and would appreciate the minimalist noise during this time.

5) COMPANIONSHIP : Truth is, even when men are alone doing their thing,They love to know that their woman is not very far away.women may not be sports fans but it will pay them to know that your man wishes you could be there with him and try and understand what their hobby is all about.It has been researched and concluded that women who support their men at whatever hobby they have are usually happier.Therefore married women who often join their husbands to watch and enjoy his hobby usually have a happier union.

Like i said,this is very humbling,to know that what men want doesnt doesn't have to break the bank ( unlike what the women want ) But we have also decided to add a list of some nice things that a man may appreciate when added to the list of immaterial things above.

1) A SURPRISE GYM MEMBERSHIP : Now we are in no-way  saying that we think our men are getting bigger,but because we know more men are getting more and more health conscious,and they never get the time to go and search out a nice and well equipped gym to register.

2) SPA TREATMENT TIME :Once in a while the men folk deserve to be pampered too just like us.So go on,book him a spa time,to release all that tension from toiling,looking for money to take care of you.

3) BEATS BY DRE EARPHONES : This i have seen is a nice gift idea for a man.There are many uses of it,he can use it to listen to music while he works out in the gym,and can also be used at home to listen to his music.

4)BOTTLE OF A NICE COLOGNE: You can do something different by not buying him his favourite cologne,try and get him something new,but still in the family of what he likes.if he likes something spicy,then search something spicy but different,if he likes Ooud.Look for other makers of Ooud that he doesn't have or hasn't seen and surprise him with it.

5)BUY HIM A MUSIC CD YOU KNOW HE LIKES : Men always have musicians they love and follow,it may be a traditional musician or an international artist.Get him their CD and he would love you for that.

6) MAKE HIM A TRADITIONAL ATTIRE :Traditional kaftans and Etibo seems to be the rave for men these days,judging from the fact that most designers have started to make them very stylish these days.Your man will always appreciate a new one in a style or colour he doesn't have.

7) BUY HIM A GROOMING SET : Since most men don't get to go to the salon as we women do,They always do appreciate a personal grooming set.one that you or they can use to cut their toe nails and fingernails. 


  1. This is a glaring truth..good one.

  2. I will use style and ask my guy if this is true

  3. Thanks Nma, one can never know it all. I will try it


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