Traction alopecia is a hair-loss condition that affects a large percentage of women in Nigeria.
Its caused by excessive tension by tight braids and hair extentions.I know for sure that every 4 in 10 women (if not more ) in Nigeria has this hair loss condition.It is a known fact that Nigerian women love weaves and hair extensions.
I walked into a salon some few weeks ago,and noticed a young girl with a bad case of hair loss.I was shocked,too shocked for words.But every other person around me didn't seem to be as shocked as i was.Apparently hair dressers are used to seeing sights like this.And what bothered me more was that she was waiting to have weaves sewn into her already damaged hair.but then i didn't expect her to go home carrying her hair like so,I wondered why she didn't just use a wig so that at the end of every day she can take the wig off and let the hair breath at least.I am neither a doctor nor a dermatologist but the little i know are as follows..

1) Women should please say no to hair bonding is no good for the hair.I know you might say it makes the weave appear more flat.but truth is, it recks havoc on your hair.Most times when trying to remove it a large chunk of hair gets pulled out with it and creates a bald patch on the scalp.

2 ) sewing in tracks is believed to be the best option for you if sewn loosely.when sewn very tightly,it also pulls the hair follicles.

3 ) Hair extension clips are also a nice option,because you can add and remove to add volume,colour or texture just at the time you have need for it.

4 ) It would do you good to always protect the hairline.The hairline is made up of the most fragile hair on your head.and once it is gone,its usually difficult to get it is better to leave a wide perimeter of hair all around the hairline that is neither sewn or braided.That way the hairline is well protected.

5 ) Finally,just as much as we take care of our body,let us also take care of our hair,invest in good conditioners and hair creams,Most especially consider products made out of natural ingredients.have your own personal hair products and take them to the salon. Do not let stylist use industrial hair products on your hair.
Celebrities like Naomi Campbell and Serena Williams have been spotted with traction Alopecia  and extensive loss of the hairline and its not a good sight.its a known fact that hair weaves and extensions improve on a woman's beauty,but please, every once in a while,LET THE HAIR BREATH…..


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