I am throwing this open because there are conflicting opinions about money and happiness.A vast majority of Nigerians feel that Money is very important and that it does and should bring happiness.They back their theories with phrases like " I will rather cry in a Range Rover than on an Okada" But also i have known women who are so sad in their rich homes that they envy some other women who don't have that much money but are happy.Some of these wealthy women even envy other single ladies thinking they have more fun than they that are married.
There is also a local reasoning that goes  "Never envy a woman in a x-class,you never can tell what she may be going through". Once upon a time i was a part of a serious conversation centred on same topic when one of the women told the group that she wishes her husband was just a salary earning husband,because their issues started after he became a multi-millionaire.She said this in all seriousness that one of the group members who by the way is single  thought her crazy for even thinking something like that. something of that sort.
Some other group also believe that a woman whose husband is wealthy shouldn't have any complaints whatsoever as long as she has loads of money at her disposal so spend as she pleases.
Now this does not only apply to the womenfolk,There has been rumours of extremely wealthy men who aren't happy too, because of one reason or the other.Some due to their too much money find it difficult to choose a wife who would love them as themselves and not just because of their money.In fact i know of a 50yrs old man still searching for a wife and having a hard time of it because it doesn't believe that any girl will love him for him but because of his wealth.He has been introduced to some good women but he is just paranoid.
So if money brings all these insecurities,what do you think, Can we still say money brings Automatic happiness??? let us know what you think....


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