Ok this is me just watching the TV and suddenly a British program about women birthing comes on.My first instinct was to change the channel.When I was still having my babies,it used to be one of my favourite program's to watch,especially during my pregnancy periods,I remember the four beautiful experiences like it was yesterday,and they weren't that far apart from each other...but since my last is not a baby anymore,I don't really watch the program no more,so like I said,I was just about to flip the channel when something caught my eye...
The woman is disabled,she said she had an accident ( she got knocked down by a car  ) at 13yrs.So it kind of affected her brain,speech,walk,most of her motor-neuron.but her husband is very much ok.They had been married for about 21 yrs..met when she was 18yrs old,in their church choir. Guess what? She saw him,liked him, and even asked him out, He accepted,and they have been together from that time till date,but this is her first pregnancy though.Meanwhile because she is mostly unsteady,He helps her to do things around the house,Infact he helps her do almost everything,so much so that his work hours is centred around her needs and his office is just about 10 mins from their house.Just watching them made me so emotional.
You need to see them gushing over each other...she has a lovely smile,and is constantly smiling and giggly.Even though she was in labour and was having pains,she was still all smiles and giggly
I don't know why I am even sharing this,but it just feels good to know there are still some good men in this world.Men who see more than the physical,  a man who is with a disabled woman and they are happy, who believes so much in her and loves her soo much.
It just sets me wondering,what is there in this life that people are killing themselves about?...what pushes people to be nasty to other people without having a conscience? What makes a man to leave his wife just cos he feels there is a better or finer woman outside,what makes a man leave a woman he has spent so many years with ,what makes a man suddenly  fall out of love after that initial gush of love...
I wish I could answer that…..


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