TI's Wife recently had a surgery to change her eye colour from dark brown to ice Grey.The surgery was reportedly performed somewhere in Africa and lasted for just 20mins. She went on Good morning America and defended her action,saying that she was happy with the procedure.
"They go into the eye,and they make a little slit,they take an implant and its folded up,they open it and then spread it over your eye." she explained.
"They told me the procedure was going to be quick,five to ten minutes an eye,they woke me up,it was very blurry,then it kind of fades away "
Some people on twitter and other social media have questioned her motivation for changing up her eye colour,accusing her of self hate.
' i just want something different,i have the right to do that" harris said on goodmorning america " it is my body" she also told that her husband who initially wasnt onboard with the idea at first,has now accepted that she like it.
So people there you have it..its her body,her life.....


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