HAVE YOU GONE GREEN YET??.............

Have you gone green yet? yes i mean green as in Green tea!,Have you started drinking your green tea yet? yes you! if you haven't,then i think you should.I went green about 6yrs ago and i haven't looked back since then.Yes it may not taste good initially!,Yes it brings on some kind of metallic taste when you start off,! but Guess what, over time you acquire the taste and wouldn't even remember it isn't sweet. So please don't give up..All i told myself was that if this is good for me then i will take it,and not only will i take it, i will love it too..and here i am, 6yrs later.. And still going strong... I HAVE LOST SOME WEIGHT AND KEPT IT OFF, I HAVE MORE ENERGY, MY METABOLISM HAS GONE HIGHER,WHICH  NOW MEANS I CAN EXERCISE AND SEE RESULTS.I  HAVE REDUCED MY SUGAR INTAKE BECAUSE I ASK FOR GREEN TEA INSTEAD OF SODA WHEN I WALK INTO EVERY RESTAURANT BOTH HOME AND ABROAD..AND I COLLECT TEAS NOW AND ITS FUN! I RECENTLY GRADUATED FROM  BUYING TEA BAGS TO BUYING TEA LEAVES..
Green tea is doing so much for me that the eyes can see,and so much more that i cant see.Like they say it :
1) Lowers Cholesterol
2 ) improves blood flow
3 ) protects against Heart disease.
 And lately scientists believe green tea could be used to develop new drugs to fight cancer,because a chemical extracted from green tea is an ideal carrier of proteins that combat the disease and this is a research by the institute  of bioengineering  and Nanotechnology,singapore.
This super-tea is made up of a class of chemicals called Catechins,the most abundant of which is EGCG (Epigallocatechin Gallate ).It is believed  EGCG is responsible for green teas health benefits and could have anti-cancer Effects.
So please,if you haven't
gone green yet,please do,


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