Are you hoping to become a millionaire?Then check out these traits,you may just have a better shot at it.Authors of two millionaire Themed books surveyed 700 millionaires and found out what they have in common.

1) MOST ARE SELF-EMPLOYED: If you have to make money for somebody then that somebody should be you,and not a Boss or the owner of your company.Millionaires have a  different perspective,They see it as risky working for somebody else,you could get laid off, or your boss could make a bad decision which will then affect you.They like to be in charge of their own destiny and are very confident.But be warned that less than a third of start-ups make it up to 10yrs. So there is quite a bit of risk, but looking unto the brighter -side, Studies have shown that self-employed people are more likely to be satisfied with their job.

2) THEY START A BUSINESS BASED ON STRATEGIC THOUGHT : Having passion for a business is fantastic but they choose areas where demand is higher than supply-which are areas where they are most likely to make money.Successful entrepreneurs say they made sure to search for good business ideas with competitive advantages.One reason people might not tend to start businesses that are sure to be profitable?Many of such businesses are in areas seen as Dull.( welding )

3) THEY ARE NOT NECESSARILY "INTELLECTUALLY GIFTED " BUT THEY WORK HARD : Its a known fact that millionaires are not usually the most intelligent in their classes in college. if you knew any millionaire,please be sure to ask them what their average GPA was in college was.Survey showed 2.9 out of 4.0. A few were ever called intellectual and gifted and many were told they didn't have what it took to get into medical school,law school or MBA school. Be informed that GPA is a bad predictor of success. consider the fact that " smarter " people might be less likely to engage in a financially risky behaviour like starting up their own business.

4) THEY WATCH THEIR MONEY : Or as time magazine would put it,millionaires "Are cheap" Half of the millionaires surveyed would never pay top money for a suit.They would think long and hard before they spent their money.They would consider every purchase,in-fact if you see someone wearing a very expensive suit,its most likely they are not a millionaire.millionaires are thrifty,not materialistic,and think a great deal about how much they spend...

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