By the time a child reaches middle school,they have already fallen into a homework Habit.Good students study,do their homework and turn it in when due but many children start to fail at this age.One reason that school children begin to fail at this age is lack of organisational skills.lost homework and assignments often plague students.Study has often shown that even children with learning disabilities will benefit from organisational skills.

1) HOMEWORK BOX : Purchase a homework box.whenever your child brings home an assignment,use the supplies in the homework box,this alleviates the time spent in finding sharpened pencil,pens or paper to do the assignment.make it a policy that homework time does not end until the supplies are put back into the homework box.

2) ASSIGNMENT BOOK: place clean sheets of paper or exercise books into the homework box.the assignment book increases communication between you the parent and the teacher.

3) IN AND OUT FOLDER : Label two folders in and out, that way you know what assignment has come in and what is done and on its way out.

4) SCHOOL WORKER TRACKER : As graded schoolwork comes home,have your child list the school work and grade on the paper into a binder, this allows you the parent to be able to look at the child's grades.it also prevents the child from missing assignments in the teachers grade book.

Using one or all these methods will keep your child get organised.Always start these strategies at the start of the school year and forgotten homework will become a thing of the past. Organised children spend less time finding their homework assignments and tend to turn in their assignments often and in time.The key to success for any of these strategies is PARENT INVOLVEMENT.Ask your children questions if you don not understand their notes.These habits if taken seriously,are habits that will last them into college.


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