SMILE : Your smile is the first thing a man notices when he sees you. Awoman is considered much more attractive when she puts on an attractive smile.It sends out a signal of happiness and optimism.Men think a smiling woman makes approach and conversation easier.So ladies,smile often because you never know when  Mr right may be round the corner.

EYES : Another thing men notice quick about a woman are her eyes.Could that be why they say the eyes are a window to the soul? The eyes can tell a lot about a person. Happiness and sadness can be read through the eyes.Therefore always wear the correct make-up to brighten up the eyes. Agood Mascara,eyeliner and nude shades of shadow will do the trick.

HAIR : Sure, Men notice a woman's healthy and beautiful hair.most men think that a stylish and shiny hair is a sign of good health.It should smell good too.The style shouldn't matter that much once its clean and tidy.women should endeavour to shampoo their hair weekly to avoid putting men off with bad smelly hair.

WEIGHT:  weight on a woman is one thing men notice of,It may sound shallow but its true.Men love women with healthy curve.if you are starving yourself to be skinny,you can breath with relief and quit.Study has shown that only a small percentage of men prefer skinny girls please find a healthy weight,exercise ,eat healthy and you will never bother about your weight ever again.

CHEST : If you thought the chest is the first thing a man notices when he sees you then you have it all wrong.Guys are not as superficial as we think them to be.Numerous polls and study has shown that men notice a woman's chest only after her smile and her eyes.Therefore do not bother about the chest,just wear the appropriate underwear to give your chest the best shape.

HOW FAKE ARE YOU: Men notice how fake a woman is almost immediately they meet her.When you have fake hair,fake eyelashes,fake nails,he will definitely notice. for most men,fake means high maintenance and too much expense.while fake eyelashes may draw his eye,he wont like it.More natural look draws a man more than the fake.

LEGS : Most men love slim legs.this is another thing they notice about women. Rememeber to moisturise the legs with good treatment and a man will notice.

SKIN : A healthy skin glows even in dim light.Men see a good complexion as a sign of good health.the skin should be soft and smooth. Rememeber to cleanse the skin before bed and drinks lots of water and eat healthy food.Get enough sleep and reduce your stress levels.

DRESS STYLISH : Study shows that men prefer women who dress classy than those who dress scantily.showing more skin doesn't make a woman more beautiful rather it screams cheap.The way a woman dresses shows off her confidence and attitude to life.


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