There was a time in my life when i felt so insecure whenever i saw Pictures of celebrities in the papers and on Television.And these happened particularly with the American and European celebrities.They looked so beautiful and flawless that i felt they were made special.I felt that you had to be exceptionally beautiful and flawless to be an actor or actress,meaning celebrities were born with  flawless skin. Whe i touched the spots on my face i concluded that if i ever had any dreams of being an actress or a model then it wasn't something i could attain because i was different.I wasn't born celebrity material.
Then as i began to grow up i realised that indeed they were human and aren't always as immaculately turned out as i thought.I began to understand the art of airbrushing,dieting,wearing spanx etc.(Kim Kardashian and her sibblings wear nude coloured Spanx every day of their life)
I began to understand that the reason that they all struggled to maintain their weight and look a certain way was because being that way was what put food on their table,and that they couldn't afford to be any other way. Then i said to myself.."They are like us after all "
They struggle to lose weight.
They have spots,and what i constantly see is heavy make-up.
They have bulging stomachs and other body parts too- Hence the Spanx
They have spots,facial and skin discolouration,including pimples.
They have cellulites too..
and most of all,it bothers them just as it bothers we Non-celebrities.
So is there anybody who looks at these people and ever feels they are super-human,These pictures can cheer you up..They are just like you and i...


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