I am a sold out, Born- again, Bible believing christian.I am not a person who will brow beat everyone with scriptures or stand ready to cast the first stone, But i love having  a relationship with God and i am thankful for a strong faith that has provided me with the spiritual support that i have needed in difficult times.When my daughter was born,
There was no question about whether my husband and i will raise her to go to church.That was just a given,Our main objective was for her to get a strong spiritual foundation.However,i have found that her connection to the church has also provided more parenting perks that i could have ever imagined.Here are just a few non-religeous reasons why going to church is a winning move for my family.

1) FRIENDS -Church has provided my daughter with a group of friends outside the school from all walks of life.she looks forward to seeing the same children every sunday.And i love the fact that her friends are receiving the same spiritual foundation that my daughter receives.

2) COMMUNITY- We live in an age where it can be challenging to authentically connect with people in real life ( social media absolutely does not count )Church activities like the annual picnic or monthly game nights gives our family a chance to get to know who shares the same interest with us and have kids too.

3) ROUTINE- Fast-paced and frantic..That is how i would describe daily family life.Every day is a mad rush to get dinner cooked,get to soccer or music practice and get the homework done.Then there is always the great unknown that get thrown into into the schedule like a dental appointment.Hubby having to work late or a school project.No matter how crazy and unpredictable the week has been,our family knows that sunday morning is the same.I think my daughter welcomes the relief of this routine as much as i do.

4) FAMILY -FRIENDLY ACTIVITIES-I live in a small community and the options for activities that i can do with my entire family are extremely limited.But our church keeps our family calendar active.Whenever i plan to take my family to a church event,I never have to worry about what my daughter will be exposed to or if there will be foul language.

5) CHANCES TO GIVE BACK-Like most faith-based organisations,our church is big on giving back.There is always a community service event going,such as a food drive,clothing drive, or a ministry at a local children's home.Its given me an opportunity to introduce my daughter to Philanthropy. I believe this exposure to community service has made her a more caring individual.

6) SAFE, FREE CHILDCARE- Yes,i know this seems shallow but every parent knows that finding safe and free childcare is better than stumbling on a winning Lotto ticket.The fact that my church offers free childcare during worship service is excellent.I can get the weekly motivation that i need without having a little person near me begging for a drink of water or to use the bathroom.And also my daughter gets to learn a sunday school lesson while spending time with her friends.Everybody wins! Of course there are dozens more spiritual reasons why church is a great look for my family but honestly,these six non-spiritual reasons i just listed above are enough to keep us connected to church for years to come..

Witten by Yolanda Daville, a Wife,a Mom, and a freelance writer. follow her on twitter @yolandadaville.


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