The basics of a healthy lifestyle are ever so simple.But as simple it is,so it is simple to dismiss them.Having a positive attitude,Eating healthy and Exercising can not not be overemphasised. They do not always require a huge investment,nor time for that matter and can easily become a routine.

1 ) Attitude is a good place to start, and this is simply because a good and positive attitude naturally leads to the other two components.Having a positive attitude helps shut down the negative feedback and replaces it with complimentary words.when you have a positive attitude,you can encourage others as much as you do yourself.

2 ) Healthy diet is as simple as it sounds.fruits,whole grains,Nuts and vegetables being the basics,are easily available.The easy and fun approach to it  is to remember to eat the " Rainbow " which means to remember to eat different colours each day.These doesnt have to be expensive, foods like carrots,bananas, oranges,peppers and green vegetables are  inexpensive yet colourful..infact some of the best foods are usually the cheapest.

3 ) Exercise reinforces positive attitude.relieves stress,re-sets hormone levels and releases endorphins.A simple 20-30 mins walk can do the trick if done regularly.

So talk a walk,have a colourful serving of fruits and vegetables,limit fried foods especially with Bad fats and oils,avoid processed food. Live Healthy!!


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