Dear Agony Aunt Kay,I hope you will publish this post,because i would like to get some opinions on what i am going see,i am a 26yr old girl,i have a good job in a bank.i haven't been working for too long actually but i can say i am quite comfortable.I live in a 2-bedroom flat somewhere in Gwarimpa.

My problem is that i live a double life.yes you heard me right,a double life by all standards.I am a proud born again christian but i find myself dating wealthy men for materials things.please don't judge me yet.I come from a really poor background and have had to work extra hard putting myself through school.Thing is, i am not happy about how things are in my life.I feel sad each time i think of my secret life but because i also help out at home every once in a while, I don't know how i can stop what i am doing.some of these men are men that i meet in my work place who come in to either make deposits or withdraw money.I live a comfortable life from the proceeds of what these men give me  but deep within me i am sad.I want to stop and face my work and my faith but i don't know how to,I have tried several times by deleting all the numbers of these men from my phones so i don't have to call them when and if i need anything but they keep calling me and giving me monetary gifts which are very hard to resist.Everyone knows that Abuja is a tough and expensive city to live in but i believe i can survive on my monthly salary if i decide to.
Please tell me,how do i become strong to achieve this,i am not happy anymore..
Thanks: From an unhappy abuja girl.

ANSWER: M y dear Girl,First of all,Kudos to you for realising that what you are doing is not right.This to me is the first step to the withdrawal from the double life which you have accepted isn't making you happy.I believe you can do it,start by not picking the calls from these men and also not calling them even when you have those material needs.I know Abuja is an expensive city but you should try cutting down on  some of your expenses,that way you wouldn't  have the need to collect extra money from men.I hope these suggestion helps and please don't forget to write back to let us know how you are getting on.we wish you the best.


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