Genevieve is one of the finest Dressers in Nollywood.In my opinion what makes her one one of the best is her effortless style.She is not loud or in your face but its hard not to acknowledge her as a true fashionista.I also noticed she usually doesn't follow the trend because she has a classic chic style and creates her own style most of the time.From her pictures it is evident she has a soft spot for Chanel,whom is a classic designer and is not cheap either...We celebrate her today...So dear readers Enjoy!


The Giant food chain McDonalds has decided to change its popular slogan "I'M LOVIN IT" to "LOVIN BEATS HATIN".Who is feeling this new slogan please.?
Over the years we had got so used to the sing song "I'M LOVING IT" Slogan that this new slogan will surely take a long time to settle in our heads i am sure.The restaurant had reported a worldwide drop in sales last year,and is hoping this new slogan will give the company a broader marketing lift around the world.
This new slogan "LOVIN BEATS HATIN" will officially be launched at the super bowl XLIX which is scheduled to air on NBC in february.


From buying new clothes to having the latest hairstyles,Study has shown that a majority of women dress to impress their fellow women rather than their spouses or better half.
Almost a half of the women polled agreed that when they dress up for a night out,that they look their best purely to get admiration or compliment from their friends or other women. One in twenty women say that they care more about the opinion of their best friends rather than that of men especially when it has to do with  make-up, hair and clothes.
So which is it for you,do you dress to impress women or you dress up to impress or attract the Men.I know there is a lot of unspoken competition amongst women,like whose dress is finer and whose is the latest,whose bag is
more expensive etc. so tells us is this true or false..

HAVE YOU GONE GREEN YET??.............

Have you gone green yet? yes i mean green as in Green tea!,Have you started drinking your green tea yet? yes you! if you haven't,then i think you should.I went green about 6yrs ago and i haven't looked back since then.Yes it may not taste good initially!,Yes it brings on some kind of metallic taste when you start off,! but Guess what, over time you acquire the taste and wouldn't even remember it isn't sweet. So please don't give up..All i told myself was that if this is good for me then i will take it,and not only will i take it, i will love it too..and here i am, 6yrs later.. And still going strong... I HAVE LOST SOME WEIGHT AND KEPT IT OFF, I HAVE MORE ENERGY, MY METABOLISM HAS GONE HIGHER,WHICH  NOW MEANS I CAN EXERCISE AND SEE RESULTS.I  HAVE REDUCED MY SUGAR INTAKE BECAUSE I ASK FOR GREEN TEA INSTEAD OF SODA WHEN I WALK INTO EVERY RESTAURANT BOTH HOME AND ABROAD..AND I COLLECT TEAS NOW AND ITS FUN! I RECENTLY GRADUATED FROM  BUYING TEA BAGS TO BUYING TEA LEAVES..
Green tea is doing so much for me that the eyes can see,and so much more that i cant see.Like they say it :
1) Lowers Cholesterol
2 ) improves blood flow
3 ) protects against Heart disease.
 And lately scientists believe green tea could be used to develop new drugs to fight cancer,because a chemical extracted from green tea is an ideal carrier of proteins that combat the disease and this is a research by the institute  of bioengineering  and Nanotechnology,singapore.
This super-tea is made up of a class of chemicals called Catechins,the most abundant of which is EGCG (Epigallocatechin Gallate ).It is believed  EGCG is responsible for green teas health benefits and could have anti-cancer Effects.
So please,if you haven't
gone green yet,please do,


Ladies, have you been to any event lately and seen a beautifully dressed fashionista on the red,blue,purple or black carpet posing for pictures with an oversized IT bag? I have!!  In fact i have so seen it severally that it seems to be the order of events.Ladies are spending money on expensive handbags and must show it off, not minding that it isn't  appropriate, Otherwise, why would anybody carry an everyday/ work bag/casual bag on a red carpet, posing for pictures? No Now! haba! It is not meant to be at all . I know that  every once in a while ladies we acquire that dream-bag and we just want to just show it off,so much so that we want to carry it to every Event we are invited to..Yes we can, actually, but please please do not get on the red carpet with it.If we want to avoid this fashion faux pas then its time we started to invest in smaller purses for formal occassions.If you can afford the designer brands then by all means do so for durability sakes, but if you cant,then rest assured,there are so many not- too expensive purses you can buy instead.You don't even have to have so many colours, rather just investing in a cute black or  nude colour purse would do you good.


A favorite of the first ladies, from Jackie Kennedy who was a known fashion icon of her time,to Nancy Reagan,to Laura Bush,Hillary clinton and lately Michelle Obama,Not leaving off icons like Audrey Hepburn and leading ladies like Cameron Diaz.aud not too long ago Amal Clooney,George Clooney's wife, whose gown he designed for their wedding on september 27th 2014.He wasn't just their designer and couturier, He was a friend to them.
Last year Hillary Clinton presented him with The most prestigious award,The Founders Award,at the council of fashion designers of America award.There she called him " A Dear Friend " to which he replied." She might not like me saying this but i think she is going to be our next President"
A week ago,it was announced that former NiNa Ricci designer Peter Coping had been appointed as creative director of the Oscar de la Renta label.It had earlier been rumoured that John Galliano would be appointed to the position following a highly successful residency with De la Renta.

De la Renta's intricate gowns had been worn by many A-list Hollywood award ceremonies including out very own Mo Abudu for her 50th birthday celebration a few weeks ago.
The world has lost a fashion Designer Extraordinaire



By the time a child reaches middle school,they have already fallen into a homework Habit.Good students study,do their homework and turn it in when due but many children start to fail at this age.One reason that school children begin to fail at this age is lack of organisational skills.lost homework and assignments often plague students.Study has often shown that even children with learning disabilities will benefit from organisational skills.

1) HOMEWORK BOX : Purchase a homework box.whenever your child brings home an assignment,use the supplies in the homework box,this alleviates the time spent in finding sharpened pencil,pens or paper to do the assignment.make it a policy that homework time does not end until the supplies are put back into the homework box.

2) ASSIGNMENT BOOK: place clean sheets of paper or exercise books into the homework box.the assignment book increases communication between you the parent and the teacher.

3) IN AND OUT FOLDER : Label two folders in and out, that way you know what assignment has come in and what is done and on its way out.

4) SCHOOL WORKER TRACKER : As graded schoolwork comes home,have your child list the school work and grade on the paper into a binder, this allows you the parent to be able to look at the child's also prevents the child from missing assignments in the teachers grade book.

Using one or all these methods will keep your child get organised.Always start these strategies at the start of the school year and forgotten homework will become a thing of the past. Organised children spend less time finding their homework assignments and tend to turn in their assignments often and in time.The key to success for any of these strategies is PARENT INVOLVEMENT.Ask your children questions if you don not understand their notes.These habits if taken seriously,are habits that will last them into college.


 YES!! this one is for all the ladies!! Who is your Shero?? We all grew up having heroes and sheros, striving very hard to live imitational lives according to how we know these people lived or are still living. Sometimes we even go as far as dressing like them or just imitating same demeanor as they did, some have taken these seriously over the years while some just have it in their minds-eye without letting anyone know??But Yes!! we at capitalliving21 would like to know. Please drop a line and let us know who your Shero is and why... don't forget, it could be anybody, it could be family, it could be an unknown stranger, it could even be an enemy. Just that person who has done that extraordinary thing that made your mouth Agape and changed your life positively.


They are just N2000 and you can buy as many as you want.There are lots of prizes to be won. Eg Ten 12" cakes from @cupcakecutie, a meal at the Quarters cafe abuja, Prints from Aisha Augie-kuta, and wait for this!! A trip to Dubai, an iPhone, a macbook and a real baby (IVF by Medimax Hospital) and much more!!
Tickets are available at Medicaid,No 2 Libreville street Wuse 2.round the clock till 4pm today.There will also be an auction of paintings at the Barbecue today. Follow @medicaid for details.


Top Neurosurgeon Dr Eben Alexander was convinced that out of body experiences were mere hallucinations until he went into a coma himself and had what he now believes was a Glimpse of heaven.
"The near-death experience will change lives in more ways than one" .he said.He attested that his vision of the universe was replaced with a new one.After he contracted what doctors ascertained to be Meningitis caused by a rare strain of E-coli,His survival chances were set at Zero.He lay for seven days in an unresponsive coma.
While in Coma,he gradually became aware of being in a primitive state that felt like he was being buried in earth.He sometimes heard and saw other entities." It was partly horrific,partly comforting and familiar. 
Best part for him was a meeting with a biological sister whom he said he was unaware of because he was adopted as a child and knew nothing of his birth family and the death of this biological sister named Betsy.
This Woman Betsy was extraordinarily beautiful and first appeared riding on the wings of a butterfly." I had never seen this woman before,yet her presence was enough to heal my heart,to make me whole in a way i'd never known possible,her face was unforgettable,her eyes were deep blue and her cheekbones were high,her face surrounded by a frame of honey-brown hair" 
"There i encounter the infinitely powerful,all knowing deity whom i later called OM,because of the sound that vibrated through that realm.I learned lessons there of a depth and beauty entirely beyond my capacity to explain".
Four months after coming out of Coma,he received a picture in the mail.Due to his earlier investigations to make contact with his biological family,a relative had sent him a photograph of his sister Betsy-The sister he never knew.The shock of recognition was Total.It turned out to be the face of the woman on the butterfly wing...culled from


This is Missy Elliot Now
Missy Before
This is Missy as she continues to battle Rare Thyroid disease.Graves disease is an Autoimmune disease where the immune system mistakenly attacks the Thyroid Gland.The disease produces an excessive amount of Thyroid Hormones which can affect the bodys metabolic rate.Till now,there is no cure for the disease,even though symptoms can be treated.Graves disease is common in women and usually occurs after 20yrs of age.Symptoms include Weight-loss,excessive  sweat,muscle weakness,Insomnia and hand tremor.Well Missy we love you and we wish you only the best.Her condition is said to have improved over the past year.It is well with you Missy.......
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