Ladies,after you have read this,you can do either of two things,Have a good laugh or take it seriously.But i advise you give it a bit of attention,as this was written by men,it could just be the best things to do if you really plan to snag that man.
This new Do's and Dont's was written by a group of seven Newyork based men,some who are in relationships and some who are single.
"No matter where a woman is in life,she should be able to cater to her man's needs" One of the authors writes in an except published by DNAinfo,while a divorced co-author advises " when he gets his ego stroked,he will be more inclined to love you more" ( Naija Men please confirm )
" Where exactly did the romance go now that prince charming barely pays attention to you anymore" The books website reads"
" It takes a lot to hold their attention,and men tend to lose interest in romantic partners when they stop being..well interesting"
Co-authors Mr Alerte and Mr Gateau - who claim that Men lie when they say they don't want to get married-They spent three years surveying more than 300 male subjects online and in person before coming to that conclusion.
One contributor who is described as single mentions the song " cater 2 you" by Destiny's child as an anthem  that should be on every womans playlist and should be kept on repeat.He also advises. " Prepare his meals,draw him a bath, and massage his feet every now and then"
Another co-author described as married says " If a man doesn't want to argue with you,it doesn't mean he is weak" He suggests "It possibly alludes to the exact opposite,that he possess the inner strength to make the intelligent decision to exit the situation"

On one of the chapters that speaks about why men lie,a single man suggests that telling the truth with a woman is "Risky",and that telling lies is perpetuated to make our women listen to us" Then there was the million dollar question," WHY DO MEN CHEAT?" One man,again single joked that while a man can  cheat on his woman and still sleep like a baby next to her,changing his barber will make his feel bad"

Another  divorced contributor put cheating down to men being natural " predators" who would only " stop stalking his prey" when a woman either " gives in" or " ignores his advances"
The single man married man website lists a selection of reviews of the book and most from women.The book will be ready to order Feb.2015,just in time for valentines day.
So ladies and gentlemen,what do you think,are these all true?I personally found myself agreeing and nodding to some of the things written in this book.When the chips are down,i believe men are not nearly as complicated as they may appear,The secret is to " Learn your man" and every other thing will fall into place.To the single ladies,hope this book can help you snag and keep that your dream man,and to the married ladies,hope this helps you solve some of those perceived difficult issues…HAPPY NEWYEAR…

Picture credits -Single man,married man/DNAinfo


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