The first time i saw one of these,was on the streets of Milan a few years ago.An indian lady,suspended in the air with her two legs folded like she was in prayer.I suddenly stopped,not sure what to make of it,The Naija in me prompted me to clutch my handbag to my bossom, i looked around and behind me to make sure this wasn't a pick-pockets set up.Anybody who knows Milan well knows that the fear of those Romanian Gypsies is the beginning of wisdom.So once the Naija in me certified that no one was out to get me,I took a deep breath and then moved closer to see why the indian woman was hanging in the air.By the time i got closer, i saw that there was a plate on the floor where people were dropping money for her.

I told myself that i wasn't going to give any indian my money,Before they take my luck joor,especially after i had reasoned that the only explainable reason why she is hanging mid-air is Juju.The more i thought along Juju line the scarier i felt.Then the thought came back again that she may be taking the luck of all the people standing around there so i quickly left.That night i couldn't sleep,i kept on tossing and turning,wondering if the hanging woman did anything to me.beating myself up about stopping to even see what was up.Normally i wouldn't have,I never stop to look at things like this..

Then during another trip to Milan,i met another man hanging in the air again,but this time he looked european so i wasn't that scared.In fact That was when i decided that there might just not be anything Jujuish about it.I think i may have even given the man some change.

Anyways fast forward a few years,My children and i were walking down the cathedral in the city centre in Milan when we saw another air hanging person, i was shocked that instead of feeling scared like i did the first time,these children were even tempted to get close and touch the man and certify where the metal holding him was actually situated.we all stood around arguing about it till my last child said he wanted to go ask the man.LOL.( see small pickin wan spoil show for oyibo)
Anyways i aint scared of them anymore,because now i know it isn't magic,but it still fascinates me though..LOL

Picture credits-David Bagnall.


  1. This is amazing!

  2. So what is it then since u now know, tell some of us that dont know


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