Parents of a baby onboard a flight distributed these cute goodie bag as the flight took off to placate angry flyers.This was to pre-empt strike in the havoc the baby was expected to reck.This gesture was revealed on by one of the passengers who received one of the goody bags.

This followed another of such incident from 2012 where parents of twin boys also handed out goody bags with a message to all the people sitting around them.

In my opinion ,this is the best move ever lol.Even though it doesn't stop the babies from being babies,but this gesture will mellow the hearts of the people sitting close by.Truth be told,it used to worry me too before i started having children,I will ask in my heart " why can't this woman just do something about that baby,haba!." But now it doesn't. (Even though i am amongst the lucky ones,my children behave on the plane).especially after the children started coming,i began to understand and empathise with mothers with young babies.Babies don't care whose ass is gored,They are gonna cry anyways.And it can be frustrating sitting near a crying baby (worse on a long flight ).I have had to sit near a doubly angry baby who decided that we will not have an atom of peace and quiet till we got to our destination.By the time the flight landed,we were all happy to get off the plane.
But i imagine that if i got on a plane and a parent gave me a goody bag from the baby,my heart would melt and i would happily bear the noise no matter how high.Its not because of the goody bag itself but the gesture.What do y'all think??? would you happily accept the goody bag or would you ask to change seats????


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