I woke up this morning with a heavy heart.
I wept for this country Nigeria.
I wept at the level of chaos in Nigeria today.
I wept at the level of corruption.
I fear that  corruption has eaten so deeply into Nigeria that its only the grace of God that Nigeria is still standing and will deliver us from this scourge.
Everyday we turn on the televisions to see politicians swearing to what they know they have no intentions of doing,making promises just so we can vote for them,and once they get into power, their sole goal becomes to enrich themselves.Then the masses sit and watch as they enrich themselves without caring for the plight of the masses.

The corruption has eaten deep into every sector,yes every sector and it has in turn caused Nigerians to behave shamelessly,you pass through the airpot security and the men and women whose job it is to offer security to travellers shamelessly solicit the same travellers for tips,like you owe them to tip them,which makes one to wonder,aren't they paid salaries?  why do you have to give them an extra money for doing a job which they are paid to do.For every office or home you pass,the security manning the gate look to you for some money.You go to a supermarket and the security guard helps show you a parking space and afterwards looks to you for money.why?isnt he paid a salary?

Everything has become for personal gain,people are vying for positions not because they want to help our nation to move forward but because they feel that this is the only place they can make money for themselves.confident that they can embezzle money and go scot-free.

How can we be happy in a country where individuals are caught in corrupt practices with video and audio evidences and yet are not prosecuted.what message are they trying to pass to the younger generation?That it is okay to steal?

What hope do we have in a nation that isn't interested in Job creation,a nation where unemployment has become the norm for graduates?a nation where the youths are forced into a life of crime due to unemployment,where the students have zero  motivation to continue with their education since they believe that there is a high possibility they wouldn't find a job after they graduate.

What hope do we have in a nation where the Goverenment has left education solely to the private sector thereby turning it into a business venture,where ordinary low income earners can hardly afford to send their children to good schools because the private schools have made fees almost unattainable.Yet the children of the executives and legislative  go the best schools abroad.

What hope do we have in a nation where touts are paid huge monthly salary just to keep them quiet?

What hope do we have in a nation where news of killings from bombings is hardly news and has become the norm?

What hope do we have in a nation where a Governor can govern a state for 8yrs yet the roads are glaringly bad and there are no infrastructure for the citizens to enjoy,but whose sons and daughter  live the lives of the rich and famous?

What hope do we have in country where muslim and christian clerics who should know better but let themselves be compromised for want of personal gain.?

What hope do we have in a country where men and women of integrity are not given the platform to help make the change we need because they cannot afford to bribe their ways through elections and re-elections?

Tell me…aren't you weeping for our country Nigeria?

Why do we believe the lies of these same age old politicians?

Why can't we tell them enough is enough in unison?

Why can't we understand that the change we seek has to start with us?

We can in our little capacity say no to corruption….Yes we can…Yes we should.


  1. It is well with nigeria!

  2. Nigeria reach to weep for..weep weep maybe Good will hear ur cry


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