Yes! people, this one is both for the men and the women.But i will need you to think hard before you answer this one.No matter what your age is,would you marry someone half your age.
If you are a man,would you marry a girl twice or half your age,and as a woman,would you marry a guy who is twice of half your age? After all they say " AGE IS NOTHING BUT A NUMBER"I used to feel it would be a disaster in the case of a younger woman with an older man,but lately there has been too many instances in this country and till date the marriages are waxing strong and the women continue to look happy.But i want to ask,is it the same as the younger man and an older woman?? is there anyone who knows of any relationship like so,please tell us,or are you in such a relationship,please give us first-hand info,if you are concerned,then you don't have to use your real name.…Please drop a comment here and tell us what you think sincerely pls.

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