Just came about this..I almost skipped but i felt some kind of thrilling feeling.That kind of feeling you get,reading a book,anticipating the end,end that may never come.

A school boy in Cumbria named Ben Azarya helped a stranger on the train pick up his colours that fell off his rucksack manx the guy rewarded him with a painting.Asked him if he knew a painter called  "Bansky".When the boy answered No,he told him, " This will be worth about 20,000 pounds sterling-have a good life brother"

The boy,not realising the significance of the encounter,and having never heard of the name "Bansky",started researching him.He found out the artists world wide fame has seen prices for his work skyrocket,with his art fetching more than a million pounds sterling at Auctions.But intense speculation surrounds his identity.

He is the scarlet pimpernel of modern art and his true identity remains a jealously guarded secret.
His satirical street art,using his distinctive stencilling technique,often feature anti-establishment,anti-war or anti-capital themes.

Banksy's work grew out of the Bristol underground scene,which involved collaborations between artists and musicians.

Providing a political and social commentary,his art has since popped up on walls across the world.
A network of myths has grown up around him,that his real name is Robin Banks.That he used to be a butcher.That his parents don't know what he does,believing him to be an unusually successful painter and decorator.

Then there is the suggestion that Banksy actually a collective of artists and doesn't exist at all.
Banksy's refusal to reveal himself may have started simply to avoid prosecution for what could be described as acts of vandalism.

However,by remaining anonymous,he has created an air of mystery which has helped him to become one of the most successful artists of his generation.

He has be photographed in the past but always wearing a mask or hood.
In 2008 he was reportedly unmasked as Robin Gunningham,a former public school boy from Bristol with a passion for art.At the time Bansky's agent refused to confirm or deny the story.
Banksy then wrote on his website " I am unable to comment on who may or may not be be Banksy,but anyone described as being " good at drawing" doesn't sound like Banksy to me"

Fans had hoped he would finally reveal himself in his spoof 2010 graffiti film exit through the gift shop-He did appear in the film however he was heavily pixellated.



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