I have done a post before on the benefits of lemon water,But i decided to do it again,Because the benefits are too good for me not to.I am enjoying the benefits,and i will be only happy if someone else could take up the habit.Its cheap,affordable and makes you feel good…Yes it will make you feel very good,beyond your imagination.If you aren't already enjoying a good relationship with lemon then you better start NOW! yes now..All it takes is a few slices of lemon in a glass of warm water when you wake up every morning,and during the day you can have it in cold water or just room temperature…So here we go...

LEMON AIDS DIGESTION:A glass of lemon water (As we call it in my house) is one of the best ways to take out toxins from your body,and once your body is detoxified and cleansed,your digestive system will work better.If your digestive tract isn't in order,you will usually feel bloated,Nausea and heartburn.

IT PROTECTS AND IMPROVES THE IMMUNE SYSTEM: Lemons contain Vit.c and vit c helps to fight infections that can attack the body.Because it also contains ascorbic,it can also act as an anti-inflammatory.Drink Lemon water to avoid colds too,and if you have got cold already then fear not! drink lemon water to fight the cold bacteria.

LEMON WATER CAN HELP KEEP YOUR SKIN GLOWING:Lemons are very rich in Vit.C,and not only that,they are rich in anti-oxidant,and when all these are combined,it can help to fight blemishes and even wrinkles.Yes Wrinkles.Its also common knowledge that lemon when applied on spots and scars, dries out the spot and make the scar less visible.

PROVIDES ADDITIONAL ENERGY: Always keep a bottle of lemon water on your desk and sip as you work,and you will see that your energy level will constantly be renewed.

LEMON WATER PURIFIES YOUR WHOLE SYSTEM: It has been scientifically proven that lemon water can help purify your whole system,due to the citric acid enzyme,all body functions become more active and detoxifies the body.

IT SPEEDS UP HEALING PROCESS:Lemons contains one of the main healing agents,Ascorbic acid.

GIVES YOU FRESH BREATH: Yes! lemon water gives you fresh breath.The aroma from lemon is cooling and refreshing.It does the same thing as fresh mints and chewing gum,only its healthier and doesn't contain any chemicals.

IT HELPS YOU SHED WEIGHT FASTER: The mineral content of lemon is Alkaline and doctors say that Alkaline diets helps us shed weight faster.Also pectin fibre that lemons are rich in improves and stimulates our digestive system and keeps us feeling fuller without consuming excess calories.


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