Generally,Men don't like to wear rings, bands etc..Yes most married men after a while stop wearing their wedding bands.some say its because after a few years in marriage, with the constant supply of good food,a lot of them add weight and therefore their ring finger become fat and the ring can't get in anymore.( My solution?get a new ring,don't use that as as excuse to stop wearing your wedding band,after all if you added weight,do you stop wearing clothes because your old clothes don't fit no more?LOL.)

Anyways i saw this and thought..mmmm…i think even though men don't like wearing rings, they just may love this,its titanium,and its not Gold colour and it has a nice shape..and ..and its just so manly.
But these aren't the best parts,the best part is that it is a utility ring.

1) It is a bottle opener
2) straight blade for cutting tape or rope
3) serrated blade for hacking through tough packaging
4)Miniature saw for cutting wood such as twigs and pencils and plastic
5)tiny comb fr grooming hair and moustaches.

 This 9mm wide ring is available in a number of sizes @$385. The firm that produces it said " This utility ring is not to be confused with a toy.It is a finely engineered and crafted piece of functional art that anyone would be proud to wear".


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