Mmmmm… This is a topic i have been meaning to write about for a while now.But each time i sit and start to write,i get distracted and leave it off.But today i decided i must put pen to paper no matter what.I know many of you may say this is a sensitive topic,I feel so too and believe me i am no ways being judgemental,i just feel the urge to express my opinion,with the intent that this may actually influence someone somewhere positively.
This new phenomenon i must say is part of the new age trend.Young girls no longer see anything wrong with having a child / children with their boyfriends or partners without walking down the Aisle first.If i remember well,this trend wasn't as popular then as it is now.In the olden days,when Birth control,especially condoms weren't even as common as they are now,yet only very few young girls had children out of wedlock,and there was always some kind of stigma on the women who did.( Most were mistakes anyways ) but these days young girls from well respected and responsible homes,go ahead to make babies with men that may do / don't habour intentions of walking them down the aisle,and the sad part is that they make it known that they aren't even ashamed of this act.
This got me thinking,What happened to the good old act of using condom with a boyfriend before marriage,because you don't want to have a child before the boyfriend proposes to you.Apart from using Condom to protect against unwanted pregnancy,what about protection against unwanted diseases,because its a known knowledge that young children and even mature adults are having a lot of sex these days,and the issue of having multiple partners is very common.
So if couples aren't using protection and everybody having multiple partners,doesn't it mean that the rate of sexually transmitted diseases are also on the rise e.g. HIV,Hepatitis B and C  etc.
Another thing which baffles me too is that in most cases,the baby mama is aware of another girlfriend/babymama and yet they go ahead to get pregnant for the same boyfriend.
So my question is,Are men so scarce these days that ladies don't mind sharing??? Has society lost its moral standards that having children before wedlock has become accepted as a trend? Are the knowledge and exposure to the western ways of life influenced and continuing to influence our young ones Negatively?Are parents no longer in total control of their children? Are these indeed the end-times???


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