This is not a rant,rather its an observation,and i am sure a lot of us can relate with this. Yes ! we are talking about our general attitude to receiving free gifts.
And please quote me,this happens to the poor as well as the rich.In fact, if you asked me,i would say that the rich are actually more guilty of this. Again, i don't think this is relative to Nigerians alone.No !
Have you noticed the way celebrities both in Nigeria and the western world scramble for Free gifts from award show sponsors? wow!! You would reason that for the mere fact that  they are rich,they would never want or accept whatever these sponsors have gift wrapped for them.But if you watch any of the after shows,you are bound to see so many celebrities clutching bags and bags of goodies and gushing about it too.

I have also noticed that if you put out an article and are looking for larger number of clicks then make sure you include that it comes with a free gift.
People will take you up on any promise of a " Free Gift " even when they don't need it.But just for the fact that it says free.

Check this instance, How many of us when leaving our hotel rooms,carry all the little bottles of the spa products or toiletries provided by the hotel,I mean,it isn't as if we intend to use the little bottles of shampoos and conditions etc.But just because we paid for the room,we dismiss this as anything wrong siting the reason that  " After all we paid for the room and everything else in it "

You would think that this could only be a habit of the have-nots because they might not have these things and would love to receive one for free..ah ah…The rich are much rooted in this habit too,even when its very obvious they can afford to buy that particular item a thousand or more times over but no,to them i am sure,it would be a wonderful gesture to receive something at all--no matter what it is.I figure out that this may be because people hardly give the rich gifts so when opportunities like these occur, they take good advantage of it,not because they lack the item but just to relish in the fact that they can actually be gifted with something other than what they can afford themselves.

Some of us have even been known to buy products we don't even need just because it comes with a promise of a free gift.We walk into shops to buy stuff,and we see a similar product with a free gift attached to it and we immediately go for that option,just to redeem the free gift.
something happened to me today,I saw something on the internet this afternoon and was about to scroll through when i suddenly saw that there was a free gift to come with a click on the site,i went back,clicked on the link,when i saw what the gift was,i asked myself," do you really need this or you just want it?" secondly i asked myself " Will you ever get to use this gift ? " and i answered myself truthfully that i would most likely never get to use it so i respectfully left the site…LOL
What about our attitude to souvenirs at weddings and parties??? I think we out to leave this particular one for another day…LOL.

So tell us, however do you feel about " Free Gifts ",Do you constantly scout for  " free Gift " or do you know someone who though they can afford everything they desire,still find themselves srambbling or scouting for " Free Gifts "? tell us about it,leave a comment here…


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