You are specially welcome to my brand new blog. 
Don't hit that 'Back' button. LOL!!. I have been pregnant with this blog for over 2 years now, way past the duration for a normal pregnancy. 
Initially I had no clue as in where or how to start. I was contemplating whether I should just abort the pregnancy, because, there was this fear of sustenance after the blog eventually get started (fear of the unknown). 

The thing is, five years ago, A friend of mine confided in me that she wanted to start a blog, you know who you are (wink ). Because I was already following a few of Nigerian based blogs, I was utterly excited for her. I encouraged her to hurry and start up, but somewhere along the line she relocated to the states and the plans went into reverse. 

I felt deflated, almost like it were me that was meant to start the blog in the first instance. Anyway, I  continued reading and enjoying my favourite blogs (I love to read by the way). 
So over the years I started to toy with the idea of starting my own blog, reason being that I am a sharer of information. If I tried something, and it comes out really good, I don't hesitate sharing the info with my friends and relations. 
I noticed that friends often called to ask if I knew where they could get or do so and so, like where to eat, where to shop, healthy lifestyles to try out and so on. 

The idea struck me that since I was always happy to share info, I might as well start up an  Abuja based lifestyle blog. Hence the pregnancy, and from then I started to plan and  plan and plan. 

So dearest, you are welcome. I promise to constantly bring you captivating, juicy , scintillating, Entertaining news. 
And lest I forget, I hope this brief has kind of encouraged someone who is or has been in similar  situation. 

If I can do it, so can you. ENJOY!!


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