10 Best Detox Foods You Should Start Eating

GrapefruitDetoxing has become bit of a trend with all the different fasting formulas and super foods that are out there. Unfortunately, most of the popular “detoxes” really aren’t safe for you and aren’t healthy either. If you want to detox your body, did you know it can be as simple as eating the right foods? Here’s a list of 10 foods you can enjoy if you really want to cleanse your body.
1. Avocados - Do you love avocados so much you would put slices of them on just about any food you eat? There’s no reason to feel guilty about doing this, especially because this is such a great food for you to eat. Avocados are packed full of antioxidants, including glutathione. This detoxes the body by transporting harmful toxins right out of it. By reducing the chemicals and toxins in your body you will be healthier and feel better.
2. Cranberries - These might be great for preventing urinary tract infections, but they can also get rid of toxins inside of your body. These get rid of waste from the body and are antibacterial so they remove toxin3
3. Cabbage – This food has sulfur inside of it, which is essential when it comes to breaking down chemicals in the body. Sulfur can help get rid of everything from pesticides to prescription drugs, which could be harmful if they stuck around.
4. Lemons – These are great in drinks and recipes, but they are also packed full of vitamins and antioxidants. These protect the liver and they get rid of chemicals inside of the body. Consuming lemons on a regular basis can improve health.
5. Broccoli – If you’re the type of person who doesn’t like broccoli, you should try it out once again! It’s full of antioxidants that can cleanse your body. It’s also high in enzymes that help to get your digestive system running efficiently. Raw broccoli is best because it has a high level of nutrients inside of it.
6. Garlic – Packed full of sulfur, this is another great food to use for body cleanses. It also has antibiotic properties so it can help internally heal your body. There are a lot of advantages to eating garlic on a regular basis; it’s even available in supplement form!
7. Beets – These can be incorporated into a lot of different recipes or they can be eaten raw. They are full of betaine and pectin, which help protect the liver and the digestive system. These can cleanse the body so you have fewer toxins.
8. Grapefruit – This fruit helps cleanse the digestive system and it can prevent kidney stones from developing. It’s also low in natural sugars and calories, so it’s great for dieting.
9. Sunflower Seeds – These are great to snack on and can detox the liver so it’s healthier. It can also get rid of harmful toxins floating around in the body. In addition to this, it prevents cholesterol from building up and causing body damage.
10. Lentils – These aid the digestive system to cleanse and detox your body. Lentils also lower the cholesterol and help balance the blood sugar inside of your body.

What Is The Best Non-Prescription Eyelash Enhancer?

Eyelash enhancers are the latest beauty trend these days, and cosmetic companies everywhere are launching products that promise to give women longer, fuller, and darker lashes without the fuss of mascara or false lashes.  But, with all these options, it’s hard to know what really works and what doesn’t.
Luckily, there are reputable beauty sites out there that have put many of these eyelash enhancers to the test.  The results for this year’s top-performing eyelash enhancers are in … with SmartLash coming in with a solid 5-star rating on DermStore.com, the #1 online destination for skin care and beauty.
What Is Eyelash Enhancement?
If you aren’t yet aware of this increasingly popular method of achieving longer lashes, eyelash enhancers are formulas that are topically applied to the base of your lower and upper lashes.  They can even be used on sparse, thin eyebrows.
Is It Safe?
While prescription eyelash enhancers are often formulated with prostaglandin, a hormone that can cause side effects such as darkened irises (potentially irreversible) and blurred vision, more and more companies are developing safer, non-prescription alternatives that deliver impressive results.
Most non-prescription formulas are hormone and paraben-free.  Instead, they’re formulated with polypeptides, amino acids, and conditioning ingredients to help rejuvenate lashes and strengthen them against breakage.  So, you still get longer, fuller, darker-looking lashes and shapelier brows, without the negative side effects.
How Soon Can You See Results?
In some cases, users have reported seeing results in as little as seven days, while others may see results in four weeks.
Smart Lash, for instance, has published its clinical results, which show that 46 percent of participants saw a difference in their eyelashes and/or brows in just seven days, while 100 percent saw a difference in 14 days.  They also experienced up to a 68 percent increase in the appearance of lash length.


Kris K, the fashionista matriarch of the Kardashian clan debuted her long awaited talk show a few days ago. At some point during the show she tricked her audience or should I say Americans with a fake baby Nori (North West). 
I can authoritatively say that she definitely did that to up her talk show ratings. If you asked me, that woman just doesn't have any scruples about doing anything to increase her bank balance. It is common knowledge that if she had her way Nori West would have since been a part of the Kardashian reality show. She must be seething that Kanye isn't down with that. 
But anyway she tricked the crowd with a fake baby.
I still don't understand why everybody want to see North West for peace sake! She is just a baby. I wonder how they expect her to look, if not like a baby that she is.
Everyday people hurl abuses at the Kardashian family saying they were talentless and not good role models, yet they can hardly get enough of them. Such is life, I guess.

WHO DID THIS PLEASE.....?????????

Please excuse me, if I called this Madness. But, Who did this..? Out rightly damaging the most coveted bag in the universe with Graffiti. 

For those of you who don't know, this is the Hermes Birkin bag. From the look of it, I can tell it is a size 35mm and from the handle it appears the color was originally white. If I owned this Bag, even if the Color suddenly changes to "It was once white", considering the cost and the stress of finding it, I will never let it go (oh yes, call me whatever you like). This bag is almost difficult to see even on the shop Shelves. Scarcity of this bag aside, getting ones desired size and color is another project on its own. It might sometimes be made of one of those overpriced leathers that one may not be able to afford. And the shops assistants demeanor? Mm mm, I guess that should be a story for another day.

One of their most popular slogans are "we are not privy to that information". 

Anyway, I am kinda vexed to see someone graffiti this bag in this manner. 
When discussing this with my sister, she said "Inya, go slow on your anger, everyone cannot be you, all fingers are not equal even when it comes to possession of money. Remember, what one does with her money is her business". after all, I remember that a few months ago, a well known holly wood actors daughter burnt a $100,000 worth Hermes Birkin in the states" 
thinking about that now, I closed my case.


You are specially welcome to my brand new blog. 
Don't hit that 'Back' button. LOL!!. I have been pregnant with this blog for over 2 years now, way past the duration for a normal pregnancy. 
Initially I had no clue as in where or how to start. I was contemplating whether I should just abort the pregnancy, because, there was this fear of sustenance after the blog eventually get started (fear of the unknown). 

The thing is, five years ago, A friend of mine confided in me that she wanted to start a blog, you know who you are (wink ). Because I was already following a few of Nigerian based blogs, I was utterly excited for her. I encouraged her to hurry and start up, but somewhere along the line she relocated to the states and the plans went into reverse.