If you knew anything about this vegetable called Beetroot then you should be eating it. Before you ask,yes its very available in Abuja.I usually buy it from the farmers market and Wuse market so i believe it must also be available from other markets in the city.In fact i believe that gone are the days when certain fruits and vegetables were always only available at supermarkets who bring them in and sell them at high prices,making them seem like they are meant only for the rich.Nowadays,there is hardly any fruit or vegetable that is available abroad that isn't available here in Nigeria too.
Anyways back to this beautifully red juicy veggie, beetroots are good for your brain and help in controlling your blood pressure.( very true )
They also contain loads of minerals and vitamins and also something called Boron that helps keep you energised.There are so many ways you can prepare and enjoy this vegetable.
You can add a bit of it to your smoothie,or you have shave some onto your bowl of salad and enjoy the juicy meaty sweet taste of it.health is indeed wealth….

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the post.its available at our vegetable market at kado round about. I will incorporate it into my diet


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