Wait a minute,am i alone on this?
I think i can finally make this confession,i have a weakness for QUALITY STREET.I have had this weakness for decades now.It is absolutely my best Chocolate brand ever!.I mean,this is not particularly something i am proud of,but anyone who knows me well enough,knows how i don't joke with Quality street.
Now the gist is that over the years,the size of the Quality street tub has continued to shrink, for real,( This has secretly bothered me ) and because i didn't think anybody else was with me on this,i didn't really have anybody to tell who would understand how i feel. (LOL),Moreover they say Chocolate isn't good for us so….
I think i might be sounding a bit funny writing this but i don't care anymore because obviously i aren't the only one who has also noticed this and isn't happy.
Anyways,this photo above shows that truly the tin/tub has shrunk over the years and i couldn't agree more.This picture was posted on the brands Facebook page by a fan who like me isn't happy too.In her post,The Quality street lover, Charlotte Stacey Hook stated that the biggest tub on the left was bought in 1998 ( i think its much earlier than that ) and some chocolate fans have come out to say that design was made in the 80's and i agree with them.But you can see the difference between the size and the smallest on the right which was made this year 2015.This post has been liked for over 66,000 times on Facebook and this makes me happy.
If there is a million man march planned about this then i would definitely participate.( i mean people should stand for what bothers them right?) hahahha…
Anyways,my 2cents..feel free to disagree.


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