This new trend of buying big bazookas is becoming something else.Even though we are aware that butt  / breast implants have always been,what makes it most annoying is the sorry fact that its slowly beginning to be the norm.
Celebrities who have had work done,now parade theirs like its the order of the day,then more people who can't really afford it are going through the back door and we have heard countless stories of death by fake butt-implants.
But do fake butts look better than natural ones? i personally don't think so..why?am i being a hater? No but sincerely speaking,most that i have seen aren't moderate,like Kim K who think narrowly missed the mark of overboard,always looks like her legs are spindly,all that i usually see is bigger behinds and skinnier legs and it doesn't look nice,That being said,i have seen very nice proportionate implants that are just A-OK.
Some of the kardashians, who can well afford to,have all had work done to expand their backside ( Even though they haven't come out to accept it. )
The cost of looking good is gradually going high,at such a steady phase that very soon,only the rich can afford to be called is also becoming so plastic that soon parents may not be able to recognise their children if not nudged.

We accused some guys of being the reason why ladies are suddenly on the mission with the intent of changing their DNA and this was what some said.

" I dont understand why some woman prefer to use their money and buy something that is obviously fake.These things are supposed to look like real.It puts me off though,even all these fake hair,anyways its their business,my girlfriend can have all the fake attributes in the world that she desires but one thing i am sure of is that when i decide to settle,my wife will be real all through.I don't mind if anything is going south,all must be real and remain real.That is the way God has made it to be."


"Some moderate implants look amazing while most look bad,really bad,i like real but i would rather have big fake tits than small real ones."

" Oh! please get a grip,bum or breast augmentation is a clear sign of mental disease.But  us men shouldn't judge? well,i'm afraid i do judge,its the only sensible way to be when selecting a partner.Would you expect a sane individual to not judge me if i went and asked a plastic surgeon to extend my nose to look just like Pinocchio?Would you think me sane? Think about that "

" Call me neurotic but whenever i a pair of obviously augmented breasts arse,i get paranoid that she is terrorist and is wired to explode at any second.i feel so much better around real women"
                                                                                                                            Cliff 26.

Anyways,to each their own ladies but please be safe,use renowned surgeons and if you can't afford it then stay the way you are,but do not let any quacks use your body as experiments.And secondly know when to stop,if you must have any kind of implant then make sure its proportional to your body size.

Ladies do you agree to these mens opinion? tell us what you think..Drop a line on the blog.. 


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