Sorry this is coming late,but i know its something i must have to mention here.Why you ask? Because i was so awed by this ensemble that no matter how much i ignored it,i knew it was just something i must have to mention.I wouldn't say i was the only one who noticed it,She also had been mention on all fashion columns on most magazines.
I can't say what attracted me at first,was it the demure pastel colours or the style of the whole outfit?I just couldn't tell,but i just knew i loved this ensemble so much i could wear it over and over again if i owned it,and when i wasn't wearing it,i could just bring it out of the closet sometimes and just stare at it and smile.
I can boldly say Kudos to Dakore Akande and to let her know i have this picture saved on my iPad ,just to look at it every once in a while and smile.
Another person i really liked what she wore was Stylist Ezinne Chinkata. Even though i couldn't say it was an outfit fit for the AMVCA'S but its an outfit i could happily wear to less formal social events,so i thought it appropriate to mention it here.I love, love,love the cut on the pants,and i doubly love the colour and the texture of the fabric.I suspect this must be one of her creations. Even though i have some pants with this cut and i hold them to heart because they aren't really commonly seen in shops,it was a breath of fresh air to see it in this fabric.The fabric especially gave it a semi-formal look and figured that must be why she thought it appropriate for the AMVCA'S.
Anyways i hope you guys agree with me.I would be bringing you some of my worst dressed numbers very soon.
Please leave a comment and let us know what you think,also you can send us pictures of people you thought were the best or worst dressed and we would gladly feature it on our part two.


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