Valentine is here again.But though this years valentine may not be the same in Nigeria because of the elections, i  personally don't think it should stop you from realising the perfect valentine celebration.
Ladies,this is mostly for you.You would be happy to know that you can still have that perfect heart-felt romantic valentine irrespective of the proposed elections.There has been so many Meme's making the rounds on the internet,centring on the fact the we ladies have lost out of the valentine celebration because it falls on the same day as the election.I strongly advise you ignore this knowing that you can still have fun with your man on the day elections or not.
Now,the plan is to re-create a perfect candle -lit dinner in your home on the day.but SSssshhh…let this be a surprise to your man.
well -set table for 2

If you have children,you can plan to have them go to a relative or even your parents just for one day.If you are single,then you need not worry about having any children disrupt the romantic plan for you.
Now you can start by going out to shop for Candles,candle stands,nice crisp table clothe,rose petals or flower bouquets,the perfect wine,food ingredients of your choice ( Keep it on the simple as per the food),your choice of desert and last but not the least,a nice feel good romantic music cd.
If you work, or have any other engagements,make sure you get back home early,that way you can get an early start on the food preparation.


Make sure you set the table before he gets back.
Most importantly,make sure you dress in that sexy number and don't forget the stiletos.Transform yourself into that sexy mama for your man.
Little red dress and a matching stiletto

Welcome him home at the door with a wet kiss.
And you will see that he will be the happiest man when he walks through that door and sees all you did.
Have a fun filled valentine,and don't let GEJ OR MMB spoil your day.
If your valentine night went awesome,don't forget to thank me later!! ciao…

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