The Buzz for Valentine this year is higher than it usually is, and i think it all started when Jega thought it cool to fix the election date on valentine's day.That move suddenly raised the valentine buzz a notch higher,and become the main issue of discuss amongst women.Then Nigerian Men, being the humorous people that they are,started to make fun of it, so many valentine Jokes on women started to circulate the internet and social media,some of them even rejoicing that they had been let out of excessive spending,Ofcourse the women didn't find it funny,and started to device other means of making sure valentine happens without losing out totally.I even made a post of how we ladies can still have a hearty valentine irrespective of the elections.
Then suddenly Jega came again and shifted the election dates,and the menfolk started to run helter skelter…some even ate their words ( what could be more humbling than that?lol )
Anyways,the day has come and will soon go,but i pray that every woman would have had a nice and happy day.
Some men,in other to wriggle out of the valentine fever,say "Every day is valentine" yet they don't show love to their spouse on the daily,some days they get back from work late and tired and just fall into bed,shoes et al…judging by that,how is everyday valentine to their spouse?LOL how about the ones who travel all the time? how about when they keep malice with that spouse for days?Can they also say that everyday is valentine? No. So pls Guys celebrate this day,show a special love,different from the usual everyday love,buy her a special gift,take her out to a nice restaurant for valentine dinner.
Some women will never harass you about valentine because they don't want to appear overly wanting,but believe me every women longs to be taken out every once in a while.Make her happy today and be sure that your woman will appreciate you greatly,quit with that everyday is valentine thingy..It doesn't pass…


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