Earlier today pictures surfaced online of Kim West and Amber Rose in a selfie!.This singular fact that the two could even be at the same enclosed space after the few days ago spat between Mr Kanye West,
 ( America's future President ) and Ambers ex-husband Wiz Khalifa,and we would have bet out last dime on it,but it did happen and THIS PICTURE ABOVE is a testimony that it did happen.
but whats most important is the fact that Kim West took that initiative to invite Amber so they can broker peace.Now we have always known that Kim West is not a fighter and has never been,they say "those who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones" and truth be told since the beginning of her career,we have never heard that she threw any stones at any situation.
This is how a good wife should act actually,women who can do what she has just done are termed wise and intelligent.She understood that her husband acted irrationally and she took steps to make things better..after all what are they fighting for….Wise one Kim.

Photo credit=Insta-photos,mailonline.co.uk


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