I came across these rules for your teeth and i thought to share.Some of it i am doing already and they work..I guess ….Lol

BRUSH BEFORE BREKKIE: They say it is better to brush before you eat breakfast because if you don't the acid contained in your breakfast ( esp. if you take fruits in the morning ) can help erode your enamel.

STRAWBERRIES AND BI-CARBONATE OF SODA CHEAPER AND BETTER ALTERNATIVE FOR WHITENING YOUR TEETH: This is true.strawberries contain  ascorbic acid,a gentle acid which help to brighten the teeth.( just 8 ripe strawberries are enough) while bi-carbonate of soda helps to remove stains accumulated from wine,teas and smoking.( half a teaspoon made into a paste and smeared on the teeth would do)

DO NOT CHEW GUM FOR MORE THAN 10 MINS: YES! chew gum just as long as the flavour is still there,once the flavour is gone,throw it away.Otherwise teeth is designed to break things down and once the flavour is gone,they start to knock each other and start to chip.

BRUSH THE TONGUE: This is very very important if you want to have fresh breath.the tongue is laden with bacteria so make sure that you also clean the tongue along with the teeth,preferably with a tongue scrapper.

ALWAYS FLOSS: This sound tedious but its a very impotent part of teeth hygiene.Floss floss floss and floss some more.when you floss,you disrupt the bacterias and don't give them the chance to grow.That is apart from the fact that flossing removes some hidden food particles.

DO NOT BRUSH UP AND DOWN: This one is uhmm…when we were young we were told by dentists to not brush in circular motion but rather to brush up and down,now we are grown and we are now told to do it the other way around.So which do we do? Anyways we guess some things change with time so we shall obey and brush in a circular motion..Agreed people? cool..


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